Nerdy Boyfriend: 14 Main Reasons Why He’s A Genuine Catch


‘Penny, we’re made from the particles which have been around considering that the world started. I enjoy imagine those atoms have actually traveled 14 billion decades through time and room generate all of us in order that we can easily end up being together making each other entire.’

‘ If this doesn’t turn you into desire a nerdy sweetheart, I am not sure what will!

Even if you have not observed just one bout of

«The Major Bang Concept»

, then you’ve heard about the very wonderful really love story between Leonard and Penny. The pair of them seem to have introduced just how for all your unlikely lovers of the world.

About romantic really love which can sweep you off the feet, it’s not possible to dispute because of the simple fact that nerds take the cake. There may have-been a time when these weren’t the preferred pick among females, but that’s don’t happening. Ladies have ultimately started to their unique senses!

Let’s not pretend, women have squandered many years of these physical lives pining over the stereotypical

bad boys.

We obtain it, they’re appealing! But… that is not sufficient. While ripped abs and chiseled jawlines do produce good conversation starter, they do not keep consitently the talk going.

Why wouldn’t you desire a nerdy date? He’s very pleasant, insightful, and interesting. He is a great listener and then he would not make you feel as if you’re irritating him with your concerns. You could potentially probably pick any subject on the planet in which he would have something to state about this!

And, if you are somebody who believes matchmaking a nerd indicates playing video gaming and enjoying Star Wars again and again, you mightn’t be more through the fact. While there is nothing completely wrong with either of the things, there’s even more these types of dudes than meets the attention.

What makes a nerdy sweetheart?

Whenever you notice the expression «nerdy boyfriend», just what pops into the head? A scrawny guy with cups whom are unable to prevent reading comics and geeking aside over their favorite sci-fi motion picture? A socially uncomfortable guy who spends almost all of his amount of time in the collection checking out publications on astrophysics?

You are slightly unclear, however’ve got the heart. The majority of nerds have cultivated accustomed to numerous stereotypes they’ve been associated with throughout record. But… In case you are wanting to be in a relationship with one among these you need to find out the appropriate terminology.

Very first things initially, absolutely a difference between nerds and geeks.

«May the force be… add up to mass instances velocity!»

Have you ever heard of the one? The truth is, that might be the most effective quote you need to use to comprehend whether you’re dating


geek or a geek


Nerds are usually socially awkward guys that happen to be extremely smart. They enjoy reading books, studying everything about topics they truly are into, and mastering various abilities. They generally are employed in the field of math, physics, or computer technology.

And, according to the metropolitan Dictionary descriptions, a nerd is

«a four-letter term with a six-figure income.»

Most women like being in a relationship with somebody who’s profitable within field of work. It’s not about cash, it is more about success and power. Cue the nerdy boyfriend!

In contrast, geeks are typically men who are excited about a specific topic. While they’re experienced, their unique expertise is typically related to specific areas. They can be lovers and love collecting different things and trinkets regarding their particular interests.

Now you’ve discovered the best language, you are able to buckle up-and set about this trip! The thing that makes nerdy dudes this type of amazing men?

14 unignorable main reasons the nerdy boyfriend is actually an actual catch

Any time you spent most of your existence handling your own average

Chad the baseball player

form of man, you’re prepared to progress and not look back. You do not have a personal vendetta against conventionally attractive guys, however’ve been played previously and you understand much better today.

Exactly why are you willing to keep on reading similar book again and again once you don’t even such as the ending? There are so many fascinating publications available to choose from waiting to be look over and all sorts of you should do is actually give them chances! Thereupon sorely clear metaphor out of the way…

We ought to continue talking about every reasons why you want a nerdy boyfriend inside your life. Not simply is the guy incredibly smart and pleasant, but he can additionally go out of his way to make you feel enjoyed and appreciated. He’s nothing beats virtually any guy you ever outdated!

1. He has got a great love of life

Speak about what amount of people regarded as lame misogynistic laughs funny! You believed you’re the only one who wasn’t laughing at things such as

«These Days is actually Internation Ladies’ Day. It was said to be past nonetheless they took too long to get ready and park their unique cars.»

Ha-ha, very entertaining.

The nerdy guy might be socially awkward in the beginning, but after you get to know him better you will see exactly how incredibly funny he can be. He will probably shock you with his amusing humor and light-hearted candor. Whenever one happens to know his puns and sources, could make him the happiest man on the planet!

If perhaps you were wondering how to make your nerdy boyfriend delighted, you just need to try and learn more about their interests. You don’t have to get good at astrophysics, in case you realize his celebrity Wars references you will have him eating out of hand-in almost no time!

2. they have fascinating topics for conversation

Going far above in order to maintain the conversation going, wanting to explore something which interests you just to end up being defined as odd, generating small talk since there’s nothing else to speak about – we’ve all already been through it.

Nerdy men lack that problem. They’re incredibly proficient in various things and additionally they could keep the discussion going whatever the topic. They will have a unique deal with every scenario and they aren’t afraid of exploring subject areas obtainedn’t mentioned before.

Aliens? Astrology? Shadow individuals? Your nerdy sweetheart is actually guaranteed to have a whole argument about the the majority of arbitrary subject you can think about. He will never give consideration to what you state weird because the guy knows better than to guage men and women centered on their own interests. Your own quirks are safe with him!

Aren’t getting me wrong, the guy wont shy far from declaring his viewpoint even if it is not consistent with your own website. You won’t be able to pout your way of an argument. But, this knowledge will simply inspire and motivate you to be effective on your self, learn something new, and overcome him at his or her own game!

3. he could become a billionaire

Do you believe Marck Zuckerberg’s senior school crush had any idea he was planning come to be a freaking billionaire within just after some duration? She’s probably beating by herself over maybe not giving him the opportunity whenever she met with the opportunity! I’m not claiming your nerdy date becomes a billionaire, but…

Most nerds do have a higher potential for succeeding in life considering just how smart, and resourceful they’re. They don’t need go to high-profile universities or just work at winning corporations, nonetheless they will always find a method to make their own expertise into income.

They’re much less extremely to struggle when considering getting an appropriate place, so there are many prestigious professions ready to accept all of them. Who wouldnot need to get into a relationship with someone who’s passionate, powered, and profitable?

On danger of sounding like a real celebration pooper, you definitely really should not be with some body just because they may become a millionaire (or a billionaire) at some stage in their life. But, their unique successes are certainly not something you need to disregard.

4. He isn’t afraid of dedication

Nerdy boyfriends have actually a completely various mind-set in terms of connections. It is likely that your own nerdy guy is not browsing hack for you, ghost you, or dump you for no apparent explanation. The guy does not have enough time or the electricity to deal with all that crisis.

They are perfectly delighted staying in a life threatening relationship with some one the guy enjoys, in which he actually enthusiastic about fooling around, flirting along with other ladies, or searching for someone much better. Believe me, he is also busy racking your brains on how he was in a position to land the woman of his fantasies originally!

The guy wants to invest every moment of his day leading you to laugh, having neverending discussions about the world, and cuddling regarding sofa. You don’t need to worry he’ll awaken one day and decide he not any longer would like to end up being along with you. Your nerdy date is perhaps all in!

5. He Is shameful and shy, but…

Bear with me about this one! Your first impulse may be to label these two personality faculties as inherently adverse, but please, hold your ponies. How often maybe you have left the club frustrated as you cannot find some creepy dude to end hitting on you?

It appears as if many men think its socially appropriate to need your time, attention, and your number because they buy you a drink.

«besides becoming hot, where do you turn for an income?»

Walking out is the merely suitable feedback any time you listen to this jaw-dropping literary expression.

But, absolutely desire! A nerdy man can come with unique and adorable methods to catch the attention. He may end up being uncomfortable and
before the guy gets to understand you much better, but he can shock their witty remarks as soon as he will get more comfortable.

Believe me, he is really worth the wait!

6. He appreciates you

Nerdy guys commonly appreciate their particular relationships much more simply because they have not got a lot luck with relationships ahead of time. Don’t get me personally incorrect, you should not generalize him simply because he’s somewhat cumbersome and doesn’t learn how to keep in touch with ladies. But…

Most nerds do have difficulty developing up. Its possible that your particular nerdy sweetheart might not have already been typically the most popular guy in his school, which remaining him experiencing inadequate and unskilled. Given that he’s were able to land the lady of their ambitions, the guy does not want to let you are going!

However do just about anything in the world in order to ensure you have actually everything you need. The guy desires one feel liked and appreciated every single day of your life, and he isn’t really nervous to show it. Exactly what a breath of oxygen fighting resistant to the odor of harmful maleness!

7. He appreciates the individuality above your charm

Maybe you have experienced a connection making it possible ton’t get eventually without wearing make-up or shaving every inches of your own human body? You’ve been trained to consider you used to ben’t breathtaking or attractive if you don’t were


. When you’re online dating a nerdy man, you don’t have to be concerned with these things!

There’s nothing you can accomplish that would make you less attractive in the eyes. The guy failed to begin a relationship to you due to your look. He got the amount of time to make the journey to know you as an individual, and then he fell in love with you because of the way you made him feel.

Men and women think nerdy men tend to be eager to be in an union with any lady they select attractive. That is simply not the scenario. They are aware much better than to waste their unique valuable time on a person who does not add almost anything to their own existence. Flake out, you’ll be your self around him!

8. The guy does not evaluate the odd quirks

Just does he values the individuality significantly more than the charm, but the guy does not consider you unusual when you’re becoming your self around him. If you are dating a nerdy guy, you feel entirely comfortable with revealing him every part of your self without anxiety about becoming ridiculed.

Trust me, the guy don’t bat an eyelid if you unbutton your shorts since you’ve consumed too many slices of pizza. He don’t think you lost your thoughts when he catches you bawling your own eyes aside since your favored American Idol contestant failed to go through. If such a thing, he’s going to weep to you!

Nerdy men include minimum judgmental people in society. They’ve skilled plenty of negativity within existence and so they discovered just how to stay their life without having the approval of others. Believe it or not, when you’re internet dating a nerdy man you don’t have to be worried about such a thing.

You need to listen to good affirmations when you wake-up because they make us feel much better? The nerdy date might even interact. You should buy an accumulation of scary porcelain dolls off Craigslist to check on if they are troubled? Do it now!

9. he is down-to-earth

You’re used to online dating


of the world making use of their extravagant matches and incredibly expensive dinner bookings. While there is nothing wrong with leading a lavish life style, you could be obtaining tired of this charade of perfection. You could find some comfort online dating a nerdy man.

Nerdy guys prefer to spend money on their knowledge, understanding, and mindset than their appearance. Don’t get me personally incorrect, they aren’t cheap in addition they definitely don’t mind buying enthralling encounters with some body they like. But, they’re also extremely low maintenance.

When you yourself have a while on your arms, it is advisable to test this social research. Take to providing the nerdy sweetheart a match – simply tell him the guy appears breathtaking, you adore just how the guy performed their hair, or perhaps you like the sweater he dressed in. Believe me, you will definitely create their whole day!

Today attempt telling the same into kind of guy you used to time. Handsome, confident,
, douchebag – really does that problem?

It’s likely that this kind of guy will smirk and state some thing like

«I know, right.»

Why don’t we all agree totally that nerdy men are better!

10. He’s romantic

Once you provide him the possibility, a nerdy guy will convince you he is able to be the ideal sweetheart you ever endured. He will probably go out of his method to help make your desires come true. He’ll shock blossoms, take you on spontaneous trips, demonstrate brand-new places, and supply unlimited cuddles.

Who doesnot need to stay in a connection with somebody like this? Your own nerdy sweetheart is probably not every person’s cup tea, but that willn’t keep you from becoming with him. You are sure that better than to evaluate folks according to just what other individuals have said about all of them.

A nerdy date will make you have confidence in really love once more. He’ll open up the doors obtainable and enable you to obtain his coating when you are cold. He will probably stroll you back once again to your home – not because he’s wishing you are going to receive him in, but because the guy cares regarding your safety. He is a gem!

11. he is empathetic

I want to guess! You had your own show of dudes exactly who called you remarkable and sensitive once you made an effort to explain you had been injured by some thing they did? You’ve been gaslighted into thinking you’re the one to be blamed for every unfavorable situation?

When you are online dating a nerdy guy, you don’t have to be worried about hearing condescending feedback like

«is-it that period of this month, once again?»

Regardless if really, he’s going to make fully sure you get the actual and mental give you support require. He will strive to determine what you are dealing with.

And that is extremely crucial! Few people like going guys possess aspire to learn about circumstances they don’t really comprehend. They tend to clean everything beneath the carpet since they are incompetent at working with their own emotional side. They don’t really even know just what empathy is!

The nerdy date doesn’t always have that issue. He’s completely in tune together with mental part, and he isn’t afraid of being prone with you. He will probably explain to you how much cash the guy cares in regards to you, remain upwards all night talking about your own ideas money for hard times, and support you whatever.

12. He doesn’t play head games

Another wonderful benefit of online dating a nerdy man is the guy doesn’t feel inclined to relax and play
mind games
along with you. He doesn’t want to gaslight you into thinking you did something very wrong. You are sure that that traditional member attitude where the guy reveals interest one-day and does not come back your calls the next?

It’s not necessary to bother about any of those things if you are online dating a nerdy man. He’s passionate and genuine, and then he certainly isn’t really into becoming with somebody who isn’t really willing to have the

«exactly what are we?»

talk. He does not perform mind games because the guy desires to keep their cards available.

The guy just can’t be troubled with playing hot and cool wanting it would get him closer to someone he’s interested in. He is much too mature to involve themselves with an individual who calls for playing games in order to be entertained and interested.

If you feel exactly the same, your own nerdy date might tick all correct cartons. You won’t have to hold off observe that is gonna call first or who is gonna state the well-known three words. Both of you may have a whole lot fun with each other, be totally real, and stay confident with who you really are as men and women.

13. The guy does not like venturing out

When you are internet dating a nerdy guy, you don’t have to be worried about him hitting the clubs every Saturday-night and flirting collectively lady the guy locks eyes with. Not only is he incredibly socially shameful, but he additionally doesn’t like spending some time in congested spots.

Both of you are a match manufactured in paradise. The guy loves remaining in, cuddling up on the settee to you, and binge-watching your chosen motion pictures. {You